Thursday, 5 September 2013

Programming Epiphanies

What is a programming epiphany? It's that moment that you have when you realize that the way you've coded is wrong wrong wrong, and there's a better way to do things.  Here's a few of my programming turning points.
When I was studying Computer Science at the University of Southampton object-oriented programming was simply:
  • Inheritance
  • Encapsulation
  • Polymorphism
Inheritance was first, and that meant it was the highest priority for me.  If I could find a way of inheriting A from B, I probably would.  Encapsulation?  That's just wrapping all those lovely members with getters and setters.  Polymorphism wasn't something I really ever thought about.  It came last so it was probably something I could get away without.

Around this time, I was programming using C++ and Microsoft Foundation Class.  My understanding of MFC at the time gelled quite well with how I understood object-oriented code.  Plenty of inheritance!  I even felt I saw a use for polymorphism with overriding some of those virtual function things.

Things got a bit better towards the end of my degree.  I found a copy of Effective C++ and read about const correctness.  I remember having particularly knotty issues in some of my code (probably due to my understanding of encapsulation) and not being able to find the bug.  By liberally sprinkling const over the code base (it's like a virus!) I eventually found my unwanted mutation.  My first epiphany; design code correctly and make the bugs impossible.

I bumbled my way through a research degree, and then became a research scientist for a bit.  I never really wrote code that anyone else had to read, so my code was just good enough.  My next big leap in learning came with my next job. For posterity here's the original advert (no idea how I got in!).

Day 1.  Someone mentions this thing called the visitor pattern, then ubiquitous language and then a few more things.  WTF?  Visitor pattern?  Names matter? Oh dear, there's a huge amount I don't know.  I managed to get through the day without getting found at, visited Amazon and ordered a few dozen books.  My second epiphany, smarter people than me have likely solved your problems before; get reading.  I went through my pattern craze, no doubt needlessly applying them sometimes, but I worked it out of my system.

At some point came another one, singletons are bad.  I think everyone realizes this at some point and has an instant recoil of all design patterns.  I love functional programming, and so I remember finding Design Patterns in Functional Language presentation and thinking to myself that maybe patterns are just missing language features?

All good things must come to an end, and next I turned to the dark side of enterprise programming.  If you don't know what this is, it's very simple.  A sales person promises impossible to a clueless manager, and then a team of software engineers will work at solving the impossible problem with an equally impossible deadline. I identified a huge amount with Death March, but lacked the gumption to quit.  Not all was bad though, by seeing every possible variant of wrong I learnt something incredibly important.  You can't tolerate complexity.

Quality isn't just something you can get back another day; quality matters.  Once you've lost quality, once you've lost clean code, you're fucked.  You might get away with it for a bit (the human brain can deal with remarkable amounts of complexity), but in the end that ball of mud will crush you.

So how'd you build in quality from the ground up?  As part of my job, I visited an extremely Californian company that practiced XP.  All code pair-programmed, all code with a failing test first.  This made a big (though not very immediate!) impression on me.  It wasn't until I read Growing Object Oriented Software Guided By Tests that it clicked in a way that felt right and TDD seemed a bit more natural.

So what are your programming epiphanies? What are the moments in your development so far that changed the way you think about writing code?

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